20 februarie 2025, 21:13
Clear sky
Clear sky
Apparent: -5°C
Presiunea: 1034 mb
Umiditate: 67%
Vântul: 4 km/h WNW
Rafale de vânt: 13 km/h
UV-Index: 0
Răsarit: 7:28
Apus: 18:08

Video: West University Of Timișoara - #BecomeYourBest!

Are you just about to become a good student? Why not becoming your best version instead? At #WUT, we lead you to discover yourself, to grow and #BecomeYourBest. Join WUT @www.uvt.ro and explore the most vibrating city from Western Romania! #Timișoara

Sursa: Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara

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