19 martie 2025, 0:14
Clear sky
Clear sky
Apparent: -5°C
Presiunea: 1022 mb
Umiditate: 73%
Vântul: 8 km/h NNW
Rafale de vânt: 47 km/h
UV-Index: 0
Răsarit: 6:41
Apus: 18:44

Video: Big City Life - Timisoara 2023 European Capital of Culture.

The year of 2023 is made for us to experience hundreds of celebrations and cultural events in various forms around the city. Timisoara 2023 is the best arrival and departure point for those who want to discover European and local culture, on stage, in performance halls and art galleries, or even on the street. Timișoara 2023 is also an unmissable opportunity to better understand the spirit of the place, to explore the city and its heritage in the most diverse forms. #TM2023 #ECoC #Timisoara #EuropeanCapitalofCulture #culture #EuropeanCulture #Heritage #Romania #ShineYourLight

Sursa: Timișoara 2023

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